Oh, the Places I've Been

I have focused on the Consumer market and have been fortunate to work with smart people and great brands. 

My first job in consumer marketing was at Scholastic Publishing in New York. I started out writing blurbs for the children's books that kids would order in school -- this was a great job, except we got paid in subway tokens and livestock, not a lot of cash involved. I moved into the direct marketing group where I learned a lot from Eileen Meehan.

From there I went to Bertelsmann Direct Group doing membership marketing for Crossings Christian book club, among other properties. I learned early on the power of brand and the position you occupy in the mind of your customer. At the time I didn't have kids and I've never been particularly religious but I've realized that brand takes on true meaning when dealing with family or faith. Robert Edgell was my boss and remains a great friend.

When the din of the dot com boom became too loud my wife and I moved West where I took a job at carclub.com. It didn't sound like a great idea (think online AAA but without towing or any of the other benefits) but Ford Motor Co. had invested $50 million in one go, so I thought it was just me. Turns out it was them. I left after 8 months. A month after I left we our first child.

My friend Mark introduced me to the guys at Zone Labs. They were about 20 or so folks when I joined. They had a free product and a few months later we released a paid version. The bubble burst and things in SF looked a little grim, but Zone Labs kept growing. We did about $7 million our first year and ended up at $30 million in consumer sales the year we were acquired by Check Point. Gregor  Freund and Irfan Salim lead a great team. Sadly my friend Mark passed away in 2003. He was the first person who even baby-sat for our daughter and I still miss him a bunch. Fortunately, the rest of Zone Labs crew remains a big part of my life. Golf, start-ups, parties wherever I am there is likely to be some one from Zone Labs there too.

to be continued...

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